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Power Walk Behind Sweeper: This gas sweeper will have the sand and winter garbage off your parking lot in no time.

Hand Held Lawn Sweeper: This hand held, gas sweeper will clean up some of the grit left on your lawn or parking lot.


Leaf Blower

This gas powered backpack style leaf blower will have your lawn and beds in shape in no time!


Log Splitter

This gas powered log splitter can help you get your firewood ready for winter. Tow behind your vehicle with a 2″ trailer ball.



Post Driver

Have your t posts in the ground in no time with this post driver.


Post Hole Auger

When it come to post holes we have a several models to offer:

1 Man Gas Auger: Let this hydraulic unit do some of the work for you. Tow behind your vehicle with a 2″ trailer ball, this unit can go to a 4′ depth. Gas powered, 10″ or 12″ augers are available for this unit.

2 Man Gas Auger: Put 8″ holes in the ground with this gas powered unit. Extension available to take the hole to a 4′ depth. Grab a buddy and put your own post holes in.

Manual Clamshell: A customer favorite for post holes! Even if you have a gas unit, you may find this helpful for cleaning soil out of your holes.

Spoon: This long handled sewer spoon will help you out in tight places.

Manual T Handle Auger: This portable hand twist unit will have you digging small holes in no time.




Power Rakes

Prep your grass for the summer ahead. This unit will bring the dead grass to the surface. Now your seed has a greater chance of reaching the soil! Available with a collection bag or without (cost varies).